Sunday 10 March 2013

Hadouken! - Levitate Lyrics

9/10 3698
Heart in my mouth, but my head in the clouds yeah
I can feel it rising
Bound to the Earth but, we could ascend yeah
I’m realizing

I feel both feet lift off the ground
I can levitate
With every jolt that leaves I close my eyes
And levitate

I can float
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
The air is electric, it heightens the senses
I can feel it charging
I’ll never forget it, we’re transcending
And I know we’ve started

I feel both feet lift off the ground
I can levitate
With every jolt that leaves I close my eyes
And levitate
I levitate

Heart in my mouth, but my head in the clouds yeah
I can feel it rising
Bound to the Earth but, we could ascend yeah
I’m realizing

I feel both feet lift off the ground
I can levitate
With every jolt that leaves I close my eyes
And levitate

I can float
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I can levitate
I can levitate

I feel both feet lift off the ground
I can levitate
With every jolt that leaves I close my eyes
And levitate
I levitate

Hadouken! Levitate Lyrics & Cover

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