Friday 26 April 2013

Phoenix - Entertainment Lyrics

9/10 3698
Headline from this day on
Why you keep pretending that you wanna let go?
Do, do you wanna let go?
Loud volume turn so low low low low low low

What you want and what you do to me
I'll take the trouble that you have in mind

Show them what you do with me
When everyone here knows better
What I once refused to be
Is everything they long together
I'd rather be alone

I love, I love, I love, I notice
I heard it all before I died
Before I knew you
Once upon a time would take too long, long, long, long, long, long

What you want and what you do to me
I'll take the trouble that you have in mind

Show them what you do with me
When everyone here knows better
What I once refused to be
Is everything they long together
I'd rather be alone

Phoenix Entertainment Lyrics

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