Friday 25 January 2013

Coldplay - In My Place Lyrics

9/10 3698
In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost, oh yeah

I was lost, I was lost
Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed
I was lost, oh yeah

Yeah, how long must you wait for him
Yeah, how long must you pay for him
Yeah, how long must you wait for him

I was scared, I was scared
Tired and underprepared
But I wait for you

If you go, if you go
Leaving me here on my own
Well I wait for you

Yeah, how long must you wait for him
Yeah, how long must you pay for him
Yeah, how long must you wait for him

Please, please, please
Come back and sing to me
To me, me

Come on and sing it out, out, out
Come on and sing it now
To me, me
Come on and sing it

In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost, oh yeah
Oh yeah

Coldplay In My Place Lyrics

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