Sunday 20 January 2013

David Guetta - She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) ft. Sia Lyrics

9/10 3698
A shot in the dark
A past lost in space
And where do I start?
The past and the chase
You hunted me down
Like a wolf, a predator
I felt like a deer in love lights

You loved me and I froze in time
Hungry for that flesh of mine
But I can't compete with a she-wolf who has brought me to my knees
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
'Cause I'm falling to pieces

I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
Falling to pieces

Did she lie and wait?
Was I bait to pull you in?
The thrill of the kill
You feel as a sin
Lay with the wolves
And all it seems,
I thought I was part of you

You loved me and I froze in time
Hungry for that flesh of mine
But I can't compete with a she-wolf, who has brought me to my knees
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
'Cause I'm falling to pieces

I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
Falling to pieces

I'm falling to pieces
Falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
Falling to pieces

David Guetta She Wolf

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