Monday 21 January 2013

M83 - Midnight City Lyrics

9/10 3698
Waiting in a car
Waiting for a ride in the dark
The night city crawls
Look and see her eyes, they glow

Waiting in a car
Waiting for a ride in the dark

Drinking in the lounge
Following the neon signs

Waiting for a roar
Looking at the mutating skyline
The city is my church (city is my church)
It wraps me in the sparkling twilight

Waiting in a car
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car (Waiting in a car)
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car (Waiting in a car)
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car (Waiting in a car)
Waiting for a ride in the dark

M83 Midnight City Lyrics

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