Sunday 13 January 2013

The Lumineers - Flowers In Your Hair Lyrics

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When we were younger
We thought everyone was on our side
Then we grew a little
And romanticized the time I saw
Flowers in your hair

It takes a boy to live
It takes a man to pretend he was there

So then we grew a little knew a lot
And now we demonstrated it to the cops
And all the things we said
We were self assured

'Cause it’s a long road to wisdom
But it’s a short one to being ignored

Be in my eyes
Be in my heart
By in my eyes, eyeyeye
And be in my heart

So now I think that I could love you back
And I hope its not too late
‘Cause youre so attractive
And the way you move
I won’t close my eyes

It takes a man to live
It takes a woman to make him compromise

Be in my eyes
Be in my heart
Be in my eyes, eyeyeye
And be in my heart

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