Monday 21 January 2013

David Bowie - Where Are We Now? Lyrics

9/10 3698
Had to get the train
From potzdamer platz
You never knew that
That i could do that
Just walking the dead

Sitting in the dschungel
On nurnberger strasse
A man lost in time near kadewe
Just walking the dead

Where are we now?
Where are we now?
The moment you know,
You know, you know

Twenty thousand people
Cross bose brucke
Fingers are crossed
Just in case
Walking the dead

Where are we now?
where are we now?
The moment you know,
You know, you know
As long as there’s sun
As long as there’s sun
As long as there’s rain
As long as there’s rain
As long as there’s fire
As long as there’s fire
As long as there’s me
As long as there’s you

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